i liked how things weren’t just portrait as a pure white victim and a dark figure, everyone has problems does things but yeah we trive to make things better bot because one deserves or morality but because of love, and yet things don’t have to end good even if you try, too real, truly an artistic work
Oh hey my comment from march, I remember myself writing it. And i 100% agree to what I said, Charlotte is that kind of person who I’d relate to and such so I’d be really glad if Swain gave us more opportunities to get to know with her mindset and so on, just like he did with Tristam and Dominique.
Well now I just feel bad.
Keep this story up
i liked how things weren’t just portrait as a pure white victim and a dark figure, everyone has problems does things but yeah we trive to make things better bot because one deserves or morality but because of love, and yet things don’t have to end good even if you try, too real, truly an artistic work
Tbh this could legit be a movie with how good the story/plot was 10/10 would watch
I don’t care what people say about it I f*****g love this story. I just love how twist it was.
This was dark as shit and I hated every second of it
I came here for porn not a good plot lol
Make more, please
Please make part 6 where nique becomes sadistic and tortured tristam and making Charlotte watch him suffer
I’d rather like if more of Charlotte was mentioned, I think she isn’t involved enough, as she’s the only normal from them. And kind too.
Oh hey my comment from march, I remember myself writing it. And i 100% agree to what I said, Charlotte is that kind of person who I’d relate to and such so I’d be really glad if Swain gave us more opportunities to get to know with her mindset and so on, just like he did with Tristam and Dominique.
This would’ve been a perfect without the time-traveling ghost daughter subplot. The fact that Swain won’t follow up on on this just makes it worse.
That’s a fucking hallucination, of course she sees a figure of her future daughter, she’s CRAZY IN THE HEAD
I don’t need to say a thing, just read the other comments.