Why am I looking at this web site I hate myself for doing so much please guys and girls get off this website and be a good human and why do people get mad a dumb things here?
Dear readers, Post Nut Clarity affects everyone. For some, PNC may be a good thing. Maybe you like to whack it just before a test or a work meeting, and PNC makes you just smart enough to seem competent. For others, PNC may seem like a curse. Perhaps you don’t like to wring-a-ling your ding-a-ling, because it makes you take a hard look at your life. 9 out of 10 suicides can be linked to Post Nut Clarity. Please be mindful and considerate of other people’s feelings, and always take PNC into consideration in the future.
too bad, my mom doesn’t have a pussy anymore.*says as i fuck your sister nanchalamtly*
when are you gonna kill yourself
Kill him, don’t wait
God I wish furrys were real
Is in Finland
Strong Banana as good as ever
Why am I looking at this web site I hate myself for doing so much please guys and girls get off this website and be a good human and why do people get mad a dumb things here?
Post nut clarity must’ve hit you pretty hard huh? Happens to all of us. You’ll be fine.
Dear readers,
Post Nut Clarity affects everyone. For some, PNC may be a good thing. Maybe you like to whack it just before a test or a work meeting, and PNC makes you just smart enough to seem competent. For others, PNC may seem like a curse. Perhaps you don’t like to wring-a-ling your ding-a-ling, because it makes you take a hard look at your life. 9 out of 10 suicides can be linked to Post Nut Clarity. Please be mindful and considerate of other people’s feelings, and always take PNC into consideration in the future.
this is so unbelievably accurate
Ok, so kms time i guess
I just feel bad for pixels when I read comics like this.
9/10 blowjob, wouldn’t want to be bitten by those sharp teeth.. *says nonchalantly*
Damn*says while fucking your mother nonchalantly*
Too bad, I don’t have a mom or a dad. *says as I eat your mother’s pussy up nonchalantly*
Bro is not in chai 💀
Oi oi oi, baka.. *says nonchalantly* you people always think I’m in chai, I’m just chilling fr.. but it’s whatever.. *says nonchalantly*
This made wanna die inside
Tf is chai?
search up scat that’s what Chai is
Angry ahh conversation
I love chai tea.
basically Business Casual
pretty neat, hats off to my guy
wait this is actually a good comic
It’s AI, you stupid melanin.
I don’t think so ngl. They all have 5 fingers. Not 246 or smth.
Oh and theres no AI tag