The Blank: a villain able to transform and and alter the very structure and substance of any surface or location anywhere into an empty space as though It where a shell in Space and time and then bring it back as though It where never nothing at all, these abilities come with the perks of understanding everything the power is used on at any point, past, present, future, even the location of where such things have been if looked deep enough through the sequence of the travel an items been through. They can even make themselves disappear and reappear into reality like erasing then rewriting themselves back in history. The best course of neutralization is to keep tabs on how they manage their alterations as they are not permanent and can cause exhaustion when overwhelmed. Who they are or how they got this way is unknown. Mayhaps even that was wiped from reality?
The Blank: a villain able to transform and and alter the very structure and substance of any surface or location anywhere into an empty space as though It where a shell in Space and time and then bring it back as though It where never nothing at all, these abilities come with the perks of understanding everything the power is used on at any point, past, present, future, even the location of where such things have been if looked deep enough through the sequence of the travel an items been through. They can even make themselves disappear and reappear into reality like erasing then rewriting themselves back in history. The best course of neutralization is to keep tabs on how they manage their alterations as they are not permanent and can cause exhaustion when overwhelmed. Who they are or how they got this way is unknown. Mayhaps even that was wiped from reality?
the blank
what a villain name man
Surprisingly sweet but hot for a bunch of the super villains
Nice 10/10