Words may not express how much i hate it, since i first saw it. Imagine just looking for decent porn, and THIS, THIS is what shows up, i hope, with all my heart that the person that made this, either gets cancer and dies, or they kill themselves.
I know bro, but if I’ve learned anything, stoic ideology make you unbeatable. As long as your inside force is beaten, that being mental problems, then your set my man. Be better, strive for greatness, get a therapist to help ease this crave. You got this
Words may not express how much i hate it, since i first saw it. Imagine just looking for decent porn, and THIS, THIS is what shows up, i hope, with all my heart that the person that made this, either gets cancer and dies, or they kill themselves.
This is now a Warcrime
As soon I opened it my nose was assaulted by the most foul and shittiest smell of fish
Not my proudest fap
I know bro, but if I’ve learned anything, stoic ideology make you unbeatable. As long as your inside force is beaten, that being mental problems, then your set my man. Be better, strive for greatness, get a therapist to help ease this crave. You got this
What the hell
Why does she look like a girl version of shaggy
More like shaggy plus Velma