This is trash. Mental and physical abuse/ manipulation, grooming of a young Pokémon, that stupid pregnant cock slave trope.. .just ticking off all the garbage boxes ain’t it?
In universe lore works differently. Trade Pokémon can evolve without trading. Think about how a gengar could exist in the wild otherwise, just rare and it’s made out to be a shortcut, and who knows, maybe she bought a link cable like Arceus Legends lol
Wait? Is this just a cycle? Does she give birth to a machop, and then gets fucked by it once it becomes a machamp, only to repeat it again? Meaning she had incest?
Hey Femboy nice to meetcha you ready to beat your meat huh? Who’s this? Working at the night shift? I dunno but I think I like, like him. He’s so cute I can feel his balls pulsing! Got a ball stretcher ready for installing-
I forgot to include, the message above is for the trainer, and i hope that machamp dies a brutal death and be thrown to the 100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000th circle of hell
You realize she deserved it right? She literally groomed it, abused it, kept insulting and humiliating it and got what she wanted all along. So like… they are good for each other
just realized that in order to evolve the machoke she would have needed to trade it. so she probably traded her machoke for a machoke with a bigger dick
the machamp specie is on danger be cuase the people are using for sex, this can’t get satisfied with a human woman, and the babies get crushed by the fathers dick, thats why the females machamps are impotant to perseve the machop specie
She can canonically outlift machamps though
This is trash. Mental and physical abuse/ manipulation, grooming of a young Pokémon, that stupid pregnant cock slave trope.. .just ticking off all the garbage boxes ain’t it?
That ain’t how you evolve a machamp you trade it
In universe lore works differently. Trade Pokémon can evolve without trading. Think about how a gengar could exist in the wild otherwise, just rare and it’s made out to be a shortcut, and who knows, maybe she bought a link cable like Arceus Legends lol
Wait? Is this just a cycle? Does she give birth to a machop, and then gets fucked by it once it becomes a machamp, only to repeat it again? Meaning she had incest?
Hey Femboy nice to meetcha you ready to beat your meat huh? Who’s this? Working at the night shift? I dunno but I think I like, like him. He’s so cute I can feel his balls pulsing! Got a ball stretcher ready for installing-
I know that sg but i forgor the lyrics epic tho
Bro my sick size is the machoke one I think I just got humbled
Bruh me to
I mean who’s gonna humble Machamp???
A big porn star
This is one moment where someone got too gready and it but then (or fucked them) in the ass
I would reply with fixing your speech, but everyone else already did that sooooo
She trained him yet he betrayed her and enslaved her, what a sad ending, Rest In Peace in hel- *cough* *cough* i mean heaven o7
I forgot to include, the message above is for the trainer, and i hope that machamp dies a brutal death and be thrown to the 100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000th circle of hell
You realize she deserved it right? She literally groomed it, abused it, kept insulting and humiliating it and got what she wanted all along. So like… they are good for each other
just realized that in order to evolve the machoke she would have needed to trade it. so she probably traded her machoke for a machoke with a bigger dick
bro dont give this porn comic fucking lore
To bad he already did
i didnt even know that i really hate tho types of evolutions
the machamp specie is on danger be cuase the people are using for sex, this can’t get satisfied with a human woman, and the babies get crushed by the fathers dick, thats why the females machamps are impotant to perseve the machop specie
Professor Oak, what are you doing on a porn site?
What if the name of my grandson >[][][][][][]
He’s drunk that’s why hes here
screw off bot
hot except for the last panel
Yeah, why do people keep drawing stuff like that? Is there enough of the audience who thinks that the last panel is sexy?
I agree, just remove the fat and it would be perfect
It’s fine except for the peirced nipples…. FUCK that’s not good
I found the last panel the hottest
Uhhhh. Ok