He, since you’re wondering. But I think he either didn’t eat or it’s BS ‘fantasy science’ ‘cos boys can’t really impregnate themselves using their rear.
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Bro is a menace to the workplace
What if Aperture Science was called Freaky Science, and instead of using moon rocks to move around portals, they just tucked themselves?
this took a pretty weird turn but i’m still on board
Great to hear that!
Imagine getting yourself pregnant and yet still keep on going.
They were fucking themselves for 31 days 12 hours, 2 minutes and 34 seconds
Finally someone did the math
Bro is the new matpat wow
But that’s just a theory, a Game Theory.
i’m jesus btw
Nah I’ve seen that account
Is it gay to fuck yourself?
Let me test it out on you to find out
I volunteer
How did he/she(I can’t tell) poop?
wait that’s a good question
Yeah wait a minute how’s that work
shush you’re overthinking it
He/She stuck another portal into hes gut to teleport all the poop out. Maybe.
He doesn’t
He, since you’re wondering. But I think he either didn’t eat or it’s BS ‘fantasy science’ ‘cos boys can’t really impregnate themselves using their rear.