I am just being honest I would beat the living hell out of who made this and murder him/she I put him/she to piss of lqbtq people because I think they are dumb as shit and lost but I do care for them just not as a human funny thing auto correct dose not recognize lgbtq as a word when you see these numbers in ( ) (6,21,3,11, 2,12,20,3,8) it is me the number at in aficibitical order so 1=a and 2=b
I am just being honest I would beat the living hell out of who made this and murder him/she I put him/she to piss of lqbtq people because I think they are dumb as shit and lost but I do care for them just not as a human funny thing auto correct dose not recognize lgbtq as a word when you see these numbers in ( ) (6,21,3,11, 2,12,20,3,8) it is me the number at in aficibitical order so 1=a and 2=b
Kys who created this has a sock fantasy