I came looking for portal the video game and I found another internet thing that has amazing comedy a antagonist that is mostly yellow and talks pretty much the same as the other one and both literally fucking hate the protagonist -it won’t let me the set up an account but this is Rayquaza
I came looking for portal the video game and I found another internet thing that has amazing comedy a antagonist that is mostly yellow and talks pretty much the same as the other one and both literally fucking hate the protagonist -it won’t let me the set up an account but this is Rayquaza
Hehehhe what the fuck-it won’t let me the set up an account but this is Rayquaza
Where’s my free v bucks 😭
Porfavor saquen una parte 2 de este cómic Porfavor pliss🥺🙏
I don’t speak taco bell
New level unlocked: you can now fuck someone who is in another room far away from you by casting this spell: AHDKFHSHKSSIEHBDSNKSSKDBDNSKKS
you can now play as luigi
This isn’t free robux…
Uzi wanna see me explode
Allhu akbar-
This is stand up comady get it cuz she stand up
the bluetuth device is reidy to pear