Ya I have to agree with these people Jason so would have kicked there asses, also Superman can literally survive dark sides omega beams “ depending on the continuity” and Batman’s has shot his anti life fucking ass with a bullet that KILLED HIM oh ya and let’s not forget the HELLBAT SUIT THAT THE ENTIRE JUSTICE LEAUGE FORMED FOR BATMAN WHICH TURNED HIM INTO A FUCKING GOD
Download Whores Of Darkseid 3 - Starfire Porn Comic for free Online
Read Whores Of Darkseid 3 - Starfire Free Sex Comic
Whores Of Darkseid 3 - Starfire is written by Artist : Pegasus.
Whores Of Darkseid 3 - Starfire Porn Comic belongs to category Parodies.
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Also see Porn Comics like Whores Of Darkseid 3 - Starfire in tags Forced , Mind Control & Hypnosis , Parody: Justice League , Parody: Teen Titans , Superheroes.
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Darksied is SOOO occ
I love the fact that perverts are getting triggered by people hating on this comic.
Yeah their like: it’s.s porn comic, so you can’t say anything bad about it.
Fuck this is darker than Injustice or JL dark apokolops
Not even close if you’ve actually watched them
Ya I have to agree with these people Jason so would have kicked there asses, also Superman can literally survive dark sides omega beams “ depending on the continuity” and Batman’s has shot his anti life fucking ass with a bullet that KILLED HIM oh ya and let’s not forget the HELLBAT SUIT THAT THE ENTIRE JUSTICE LEAUGE FORMED FOR BATMAN WHICH TURNED HIM INTO A FUCKING GOD
Shut the fuck up it’s a porn comic
Bitch Brain
Plus this a different universe dumbass. Superman could have been weaker
And what if the hell-bat suit wasn’t MADE then DUMBASS THINK
Think mark think!
Are you seriously putting lore into a porn comic.